Student Life

Students at Guardian Angels Regional School have numerous opportunities to get involved and share their talents with their fellow classmates.  We offer students a chance to participate in one of our numerous choirs, join our athletic teams, audition and perform in our spring musical, or sign up for after school activities.  When you think of Catholic education in an elementary school, many would not realize the emphasis that is placed on the arts and athletics.  Our elementary and middle school encourage our students to explore activities outside of the classroom.  We, here at Guardian Angels, realize that the student who has a chance to experience it all is more likely to become a confident, well-rounded student.  A GARS student leaves our hallways ready to embrace the world. #GARSShoutOut





Performing Arts


Talent Show

Chess Club

Shoutout to our Upper Campus Chess Club for winning 3rd place at Christ the King Regional School's Chess Tournament!